Thursday, December 6, 2007



How is your weekend?

Well, did you know that on the 1st of December is world AIDS day? What did you all do? I didn’t do anything big, but last Monday every body in LSPR wears white and red ribbon. Just to you know…show that we do care and it is a part of our life and we should not turn away to this problem, but solved it together.
Anyway, I was reading a magazine yesterday and I’ve read about Psychotropic. You know, since this blog covers the related subject I thought why not share some more knowledge to better life, right?
Last time I checked in my dictionary the word “Psychotropic” means affecting the mind or mental process. There is also a Psychotropic drug or substances. It is some sort of a chemical substance that can affect your perception, mood, consciousness and behavior. Did you know some of this stuff is actually legal if it is use for medical reason such as therapy and with doctor prescription?
But people sometimes used these substances in the wrong way and illegally. Because when it is used or consumed the user may find pleasant and some advantageous, but without doctors prescription, it is usually can caused abuse to the user such as dependency and cycle of abuse.

So…what do you think ha? It’s kind of make me think that maybe every medicine that you can buy at the drug store can be a psychotropic substance if you used it for the wrong reasons right? What do you think? Should there be some restriction or law to buy medicine to prevent the misused of it?

Please..Please..write your comment or opinion or share your knowledge about this because the rest of the world and I are very very curious about this….

Till next time!