Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

"Happy New Year everybody"

Hope we can learn from the past and so therefore have a better future!!!
And...because we have been learning about all this stuff like drugs, alcohol, psychotropic, and addictive substance.....we should be able to take care of ourselves and become useful to our religion, country, nation, family, culture and of ourselves......Pleaase...Pleaaase.....don't stop learning!!!

Once again have a happy new year and remember to always be aware!!!

Side-effects guys...

We've been talking about how dangerous the psychotropic substances is and how it would bring negative effects right.. Now is time to learn what are this side effects really are. So here it goes and I suggest you have someone to hold you while you are reading it cause it is not a very pretty thought....

#1 is Extrapyramidal symptoms:
Parkinsonism, motor restlessness, trismus, tremor, torticollis, oculogyric crises, rigidity, dystonia, akinesia. This is scary...

#2 is Tardive dyskinesia:
Persistent involuntary movements of mouth, tongue or face. So basically there will be something wrong with your motoric system

#3 is Autonomdic:
Hypotension (epinephrine should not be used as a pressor agent), perspiration, weight increase, anorexia (also increased appetite), sudden falls, lowered muscle tonus, obstipation, restlessness or insomnia. This is what happens to most teenagers...

#4 is Anticholinergic:
Usually less significant; dry mouth, urinary retention, incontinence, blurred vision, cases of paralytic ileus reported. This are disturbing guys....

#5 is Cutaneous:
Photosensitivity, dermatitis, allergic reactions, pigmentation of the skin after prolonged phenothiazine therapy in high doses. So for those people who likes taking pictures...better not use psychotropical drugs....

#6 This is what will affect your Eyes:
Skin-eye syndrome with progressive pigmentation of skin and cornea after prolonged therapy at high dosage (old references). Man its nasty.....

#7 is Haematological:
Leucopenia, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, eosinophilia, elevated sedimentation rate, thrombosis. Sounds pretty dangerous right???

#8 is Cardiovascular:
ECG aberrations; extended Q-T interval, lowered or inversed T-waves, tachycardia, sometimes bradycardia. Cardiac reactions have been reported much more often after administration of antidepressants. So, if you are stressed or depress please find a way out other than taking antidepressant pills and suicide!!!

#9 is Endocrine:
Elevated prolactin-levels, gynaecomastia, galactorrhoea, hirsutism, amenorrhoea. Conflicting reports on hyper- or hypoglycemia. Once again...scary

#10 this is the Serious reactions:
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, malignant hyperthermia (also benign variations of body temperature reported), sudden death. THis is cruel...

#11 Other side-effects:
Paradoxical exacerbations of psychotic symptoms, seizures, decreased libido, polyphagia, oedema, weight increase, local reactions at injection site, "early peak" phenomenon with depot injections, impaired liver function, systemic lupus erythematosus, variations in body water, EEG changes.

If you want to used or abused the psychotropic drugs, please...please....please...think about these consequents OK OK remember to think twice before you do the action and be knowledgeable about this because it is not really do anybody any good!!


So, we learned about smart drugs now you should now what is the term ecodrugs. It is the use of herbs, plants and mixtures of both. Some hallucinogenic or euphorizing effects are linked with their use. Natural non-treated smart drugs: plants and herbs (powders, caps…)

These are some examples:
Mandrake – Mandragore > hallucinogen. Mandragora off. L.
Abstinth(e) > sedative – hallucinogen. Wormwood – Artemisia Absinthium L.
Calamus – Acore > stimulant – hallucinogen. Acorus Calamus L.
Catmint > sedative. Cataire – Catnep – Catarh – Catnip – Nepeta
Damian > sedative – aphrodisiac. Turnera Diffusa (tetraphyllin B –
Ephedra (Ma Huang) > stimulant. Ephedra Nevadensis Wats – Ephedra Sinica Staff
(ephedrine – norephedrine – pseudoephedrine –
Galgant > hallucinogen. Kaempheria Galanga
Guarana > stimulant. Paulliania cupana H.B.K. (caffein – theobromine
– theophylline – guaranine)
Gota Kola (hydrocotyle) > stimulant – aphrodisiac. Centella asiatica L (caffein)

so...IF YOU ever heard of this plants or herbs...beware...hehheee.....